Wonosari Religious Court Decision No. 38 of 2016: Adherence to Deed of Reconciliation Ordered

The court ordered the parties to adhere to the deed of reconciliation (akte perdamaian) reached during mediation, the conditions of which were:

  1. that the first and second parties had executed a multi-service rental agreement, dated 31 October 2013;
  2. that, pursuant to that agreement, the second party had guaranteed to the first party the deed of title of a 2,739m2 property belonging to the co-defendant located in Yogyakarta;
  3. that the second party would make monthly repayments of IDR 1 million on the 25th of every month, commencing in January 2016, and ceasing in December 2016;
  4. that if the second party defaulted the Yogyakarta property would be seized and sold to discharge the debts of the second party to the first party;
  5. that if the second party discharged all his debts to the first party then the first party would return the deed of title to the property;
  6. that these terms will be included in the court's decision, and the parties are obliged, in good faith (itikad baik), to implement the aforementioned terms of reconciliation.
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