This regional regulation is an example of a legislative instrument that, arguably, Islamises public life without making any specific reference to Islam or religion (agama). It places a prohibition on producing (art 3(1)), selling (art 3(2)), and consuming (art 3(3)) alcoholic beverages in North Kolaka regency. Contravention of art 3(1) carries a possible penalty of four to 12 months' imprisonment and/or a fine of between IDR 50 million and IDR 100 million in lieu of six months' imprisonment (art 6(1)). Contravention of art 3(2) carries a possible penalty of three to eight months' imprisonment and/or a fine of between IDR 20 million and IDR 50 million in lieu of four months' imprisonment (art 6(2)). Contravention of art 3(3) carries a possible penalty of two to six months' imprisonment and/or a fine of between IDR 10 million and IDR 40 million in lieut of two months' imprisonment (art 6(1)). Meanwhile, any person or legal entity that protects or assists conduct that contravenes art 3 carries a penalty of six to 18 months' imprisonment or a fine of IDR 100 to 250 million (art 3(4)), while being intoxicated in a public place carries a penalty of two to six months' imprisonment or a fine of IDR 10 to 50 million (art 3(5)).