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75 results for "state interest"

Aleem v. Aleem (Md. Ct. App. 2008): Barring Unilateral Divorce

Totten v. Caldwell (E.D. Mich. 2012): Prisoner's Claim of Violation of Religious Free Exercise

In Re Custody of R

Balk v. New York Inst. of Tech (E.D.N.Y. 2013): Alleged Discrimination at a University's Middle East Campus

Complaint for Injunctive and Declaratory Relief and Jury Demand in Sarsour v. Trump (E.D. Va. 2017): Opposing the "Muslim Ban" 2.0

Hosain v. Malik 671 A.2d 988

Indonesian Council of Ulama Fatwa on Expenditure of Alms for Productive Activities and General Benefit

Indonesian Supreme Court Jurisprudence 110K/AG/2007: Child Placed in Father's Custody

Minister of the Interior Regulation No. 53 of 2007 on Regional Regulations and Regional Head Regulations

National Shari'a Board - Indonesian Council of Ulama Fatwa No. 40 of 2003 on Capital Market and General Guidelines on the Application of Shari'a Principles in the Capital Market Sphere

Cilacap Religious Court Decision No. 3721 of 2013: Deed of Reconciliation Reached

Indonesian Law No. 16 of 2004 on the Attorney-General of the Republic of Indonesia

National Shari'a Board - Indonesian Council of Ulama Fatwa No. 38 of 2002 on Interbank Mudharabah Investment Certificates

Indonesian Supreme Court Jurisprudence 137K/AG/2007: Wife Filing for Divorce Not a Sign of Disobedience

National Shari'a Board - Indonesian Council of Ulama Fatwa No. 32 of 2002 on Shari'a Bonds

Indonesian Council of Ulama Fatwa on the Intensification of Alms Implementation

Country Profile: Switzerland

Bojonegoro Religious Court Decision No. 23 of 2016: Child Adoption Granted

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