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1094 results for "family law"

Surabaya State Administrative Court Decision No. 37 of 2005: Blasphemy

Hawai’i v. Trump (D. Haw. 2017): Defeat of the “Muslim Ban” 2.0

Purbalingga Religious Court Decision No. 311 of 2014: Murabahah Sale-Purchase Agreement

Balikpapan Religious Court Decision No. 548 of 2013: Estate Distribution Claim Failed

Alazawi v. Swift Transp. Co. (W.D. Tenn. 2004): Failed Employment Discrimination Claim

ʿAyyāshī, Tafsīr, 1:411

The Case of the Christian Who Wanted to be Executed (10th-C. Andalusia)

Kulaynī, Kāfī, 7:373–74

Kebumen Religious Court Decision No. 2623 of 2013: Claim Dismissed for Lack of Legal Standing

Aceh Qanun No. 8 of 2014 on Islamic Principles

A Petition to the Ottoman Sultan from Egypt, 1155 AH (1742-3)

The Case of the Toledan Accused of Heresy: Accused Heretics' Right to Challenge Witnesses (Early 11th-Century Toledo)

South African marriage ruling is a win for divorcees and surviving spouses: it guides the sharing of their assets

Al-Imāra al-Islāmiyya wa-niẓāmuhā [The Islamic Emirate and Governmental System] (2022)