Rami Koujah
Rami Koujah served as a student editor at SHARIAsource as a part of the editorial team that constructed the Online Companion to the Muwatta' (Special Collection). His research interests lie at the intersection of Islamic dialectical theology (kalām) and legal theory (uṣūl al-fiqh), in particular Muʿtazili and Ashʿari metaethics as well as Shafiʿite legal philosophy as enshrined in the concept of public welfare (maṣlaḥa). At Princeton, he hopes to turn his attention to substantive law (fiqh) and issues of Islamic law & society, though his enthusiasm for kalām, falsafa, and uṣūl al-fiqh, as well as his more recent absorption in U.S. Constitutional Law, remains undiminished.He received a BA and MA from UCLA; an MSt from Oxford, and a JD from Stanford Law School. He is a PhD candidate in the Near Eastern Studies Department at Princeton University.
This Online Companion to the book, al-Muwaṭṭaʾ – Recension of Yaḥyā b. Yaḥyā (d. 234/848) by Mālik b. Anas (translated and edited by Mohammad Fadel and Connell Monette) (Program in Islamic Law/Harvard... View Project
Hossein Modarressi, Text and Interpretation: Imām Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq and His Legacy in Islamic Law. Cambridge, MA: Harvard... View Project